In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?


Well, fuck.

This is decidedly not how Mave wanted his day to go. He could be at home, cuddling with Genesis. But alas, the world wouldn’t be right if it didnt screw him over.

So here he is, standing in front of hundreds. Thousands more are watching on screens at home. That’s were Mave like to be. At home. Y’know, comfy in bed with the love of his life.

Giving a world wide speech was not in his bucket list. Did he mention he hates public speaking? ‘Cause he does. Despises it, really.

The echoes of people whispering around him pulls Mave back into reality. He coughs quietly off too the side, where the mic in front of him can’t pick up the sound. It’s a bit of a struggle to get used to the new body. The height, the limbs, the _voice._

He feels fuzzy. Cotton in the brain kind of fuzzy, and a slight blur in his vision. Mave is _not _getting used to this.

With a sigh, he starts, “The meaning of life-” Mave chokes, bloody _hell_ his voice sounds weird. His accent is all off. This is about to be the worst speech he’s ever given in his entire life.

It has nothing on those school presentations he totally didn’t fail.

“The meaning of life,” he repeats, voice cracking in all the wrong spots, “is that-“ This is a terrible experience, and he wishes he was dreaming.

“Oh, fuck this,” Mave mutters right into the mic. His words ring in his own head loudly. He blinks. Well, that was _not _the intention. In his defense, he’s not used to his words be amplified. Might as well play into it though. He’s already fucked it up for this guy.

“I quit!” He shouts, grinning widely as if he isn’t ruining some poor man’s career. Who knows, maybe the guy deserves it. And at this point? Anything to get home quicker. Which means getting off this damn stage.

Which is exactly what Mave goes to do. Somehow, that manages to be the easy part. Everyone around is too shocked to stop him. It’s a small mercy in a situation like this.

Mave still has to figure out how to get himself back into his own body. Hopefully it’ll be a little easier than the last time this went down. Because unfortunately, this is not the first time a body swap has occurred.

Like he said, the world wouldnt be right if it didn’t screw him over.

He soon finds himself in an alley, his head resting against a brick wall. None of his attempts to call Genesis on a random pay phone work. They don’t go through.

Dammit, is asking for one reasonably chill day too much?

Apparently it is for the likes of Mave. So much for his cuddling plans. Quality time with Genesis has been completely torn from his schedule.

Truly, today is a terrible day.

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