Eager. Astonishing. Engulf.

In a story of no more than 10 lines, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.

Game Time

James had been eager for the season to start. He had been shooting and dribbling every chance he could. And he had loved it. He had not believe it when his coach told him that he would really improve when he started to love to practice. He thought it was just a way to get him and his teammates to work hard in the off-season. But it was astonishing. The more he loved practice, the better he shot. The better he dribbled, the more he loved practice.

His stats showed the results all season. Then, there were only a few seconds left in a crucial tie game, and Coach wanted James to take the last shot. His teammate passed him the ball in the corner, his favorite spot. Five seconds. He squared up. Four. Just like in practice. Three. He took the shot. Swish. Three points! The buzzer sounded. The student body roared as they jumped from the stands to engulf James. Love practice? Every minute.

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