Write a horror, thriller or crime story that takes place in a mansion.
How will you connect your plot, characters, and themes to this location?
Be Patient
I don’t remember arriving here. I must have, at some point, because I wasn’t born in this sprawling mansion, but in my memory what should be a line between my apartment routine and the country lifestyle I now lead is a complete blur.
I can’t even remember how long I’ve been here. Definitely since Easter, when the Nurses painted eggs and hid them across the grounds overnight. We had such fun hunting in the luscious flowerbeds, manicured lawns, and low branches of trees with burgeoning, fresh, green leaves. And well past Christmas when we all had to enter the “secret Santa” and craft gifts for one another. I still have my whittled carving of a dove that Alphonse made me.
I do know why I am here. No other hospital could cater to my needs. I’d had too much work done already, they’d said. Any more surgery on my face and the whole thing could turn black, die, and fall off. Revision and reconstruction were too risky. But not for Rebirth.
Rebirth South Hospital used to be a plantation of some kind. Jacob’s Fields, I think it was called, before abolition. Then an asylum (back when those were popular) called Castel Home for the Insane and Mentally Dysfunctional. What a mouthful. I assume they thought renaming this ancient homestead “Rebirth” would discourage any ghosts. But this place is haunted- by living and dead.
You see, Rebirth works with cutting-edge technology to help those of us whom the rest of the medical profession has given up on. People who’ve spent half their lives in comas now sunbathe next to the greenhouse. Paraplegics jog to the edge of the woods and back. Plastic surgery addicts get another chance to improve themselves- and many reach perfection.
It doesn’t matter that the donors are... involuntary... It only matters that their limbs and organs and other harvestables are healthy. It’s such a pity that these winding country roads lead to so many automobile accidents. Well, at least the bodies get put to good use.
Don’t worry. Shh. I know you’re in a lot of pain. I saw your car flip three times! But the Doctors will be here soon and then it will all be sorted. And you have such a lovely face. Much prettier than mine. I’ve been waiting for months for the perfect replacement. Sometimes you just have to be patient.