Inspired by Maranda Quinn

Your protagonist has just been released from a 20 year prison sentence and has to adjust to a world that seems entirely different.


The monster tentatively stepped out of the cage. Looking wildly around at its captors, who were standing to the side, it emerged into the abandoned ruins. It glanced at each human, waiting for them to jump at it, but they did nothing, continuing to stand motionless. After a few moments, it took off, running as fast as its six legs could take it.

The old city sprawled for miles. The layout was the same as the monster had remembered it, except all the buildings looked like they had been knocked down. Chunks of wall stood upright, while others slanted at an angle. Rubble coated the ground. The spring air seemed out of place among the desolate roads.

When it could no longer go further, it collapsed by a small moonlit puddle. The lack of wind made the water stagnant and reflective.

The monster craned its neck and peered into the pool of water. Jumping back in horror, it could barely stand to call to mind what it had just seen. In the reflection was a hideous face, torn apart at the side of the mouth and near the right eye. Fur covered the face in small patches, leaving most of it bald. The jaw was a bit crooked, teeth misaligned. Despite the animal-like appearance, it was undeniable... that face used to be human.

Worn out from the day's events, the monster felt itself slipping into sleep.

It was awoken by a small child poking at its nose with a stick. It jerked backwards, startling the child. After a second, the child spoke.

"Hello," she said in a quiet voice. "...What are you?"

The monster tried to remember speech, but all it could manage in its deformed state was a horrific noise. It stood up on its two hind legs. The child watched it closely, not breaking eye contact.

"Come on," she whispered, and held out her hand. The monster reached out one of its arms and the child took its hand. Allowing itself to be led by the child, it slowly moved across the ground. They finally made their way to a small clearing under an archway that still seemed to be intact. The child opened her other hand, revealing a single flower seed.

"I came here to plant this flower. I wanted at least one thing to be alive in this city. I didn't know you were here, but I guess that makes two things." The monster watched her as she crouched down and dug a small hole in the ground. Once she had put the seed in and covered it back up with dirt, she took out of the bag she was carrying a small water bottle and poured water over where she had placed the seed. She then turned to the monster.

"My name's Hope. I don't know if you can tell me your name, but it was nice to meet you. I think I'll come back here. If I do, I'll wait for you right here and you come find me. Okay?" The monster moved its head up and down, as if nodding. Hope smiled. "Goodbye for now, creature without a name," she said.

The monster turned to a clear patch of dirt. Digging its claw into the ground, it began scratching out letters. First was a D... then an O... and an N...

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