Write a scene where a character is leaving home.
Core Memory
When I was in college, I have a super clear memory of me and a couple of friends going out one Saturday night. We had a long day of being degenerates, and now, we were hungry.
It was late March of senior year, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life (still don’t). But it is a weird age. You’re technically an adult but the life experience of a child. The amount of freedom and uncertainty that was in the balance of my life was absurd.
Anyways, on this night we went to this bomb taco spot. It was raining and we were all exhausted. We walked into the store and I instantly perked up to this amazing song bumping on the speakers. It was “Wats Wrong” by Isaiah Rashad, and I was blown away. I considered myself an indiehead up until this point, with no interest in exploring hip hop.
I was able to Shazam the song and I remember that night I listened to all of his albums, vibing and hanging with college friends, knowing that the fun was coming to an end, but pretending like life was gonna stay like this forever.
This album and Isaiah Rashad have become one of the most influential artists that not only influenced my taste in hip hop and music, but has also inspired me to write more.
Even more importantly, this album in particular acted as a cast iron chest, collecting and sealing a whole lot of good memories and feeling from a very specific time in my life. I can give this album a listen and just time travel, back to a time where I knew those days are gonna be, “the good ole days”. It’s the best feeling to go and have a look, whenever I please.
I hope everyone can find their version of The Sun’s Tirade like I have, it’s beautiful to have such clear memories.
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