Write a poem about a moment in life which seems fleeting.

Maybe it's a moment you wish could last longer, or a short period of pain that goes away.

Every Moment

Stop looking and living For the “Big Things.” The vacations, the weddings, The holidays, the new babies Are good and lovely, No denying! Exciting And fleeting. Stop pining, start thinking! What are you missing? The moments are ticking Away while you’re dreaming About those “Big Things” That leave you still wishing. Quick beauty Of high degree. Start thinking and using The seconds you’re losing! The slapstick, the melodies, The wonders, the creature-play, Equally lovely, Exciting And fleeting. Start learning and laughing With the “Little Things” Which are the Big Things truly. Every single moment passing, Fast as childhoods, birthdays, Christmases, weddings. Every moment lovely, Wonder-inducing, Fleeting. Flowing From beauty Of Highest degree.
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