Write a poem including the phrase 'Hope is the bridge between despair and joy.'

Fuck You

people say that god tests the one’s he loves,even if it inflicts pain

Maybe that’s true

But what if I don’t believe in god?

I keep having bad experiences just like that for no reason? Just suffering for the sake of suffering?

I always found the concept of past lives interesting because what if it was true

And “god” keeps putting me in these situations over and over with the same people yo learn my lesson. because that’s how it feels

Maybe im just exhausted.

Or maybe i dont believe in god

I dont think I want to

It’s a shame how there’s so many beautiful things in this life only or people to be a bunch of faggots and ruin it all

What’s hope for people how have nothing else to live for?

It feels okay when your with the wrong people , it feel wrong with the right people

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