Haunted Home

It’s crazy how Henry won a ticket to Maine. A ticket outta the terrible town of Tusko Mississippi because he was tired of living here for 23 years. Just 23 years of his life that he had spent here dealing with everyone’s drama and his own. As he boarded the plane he took one last look back and breathed in the Mississippi air

“Ahhh never gonna come back to this trash fire”

A rather old man dressed in a fine black suit grumbled

“Move it!”

And shoved Henry into the plane as he stumbled and paced forward looking now for his seat. The seats were all packed and there was one spot open for him to sit at by a window near a beautiful young lady. As he scooted to the window he sat extending his hand to the girl saying

“Hey the name is Henry Wilkes pleasure to meet you miss!”

And smiled she was startled by his optimism and didn’t know how to respond so she sat quietly for a few minutes, but his smile never broke so she felt like she had to respond

“T-The name is Mary Jameson”

And shook his hand. He eased into the seat because now the awkward air was broken and tried to make conversation with Mary.

“So where you headed Miss Jameson?”

“Call me Mary, and uhh I’m headed to Maine for-“

“What me too!”

She sat awkwardly smiling looking around

“Sorry sorry continue”

“I’m headed to Maine for paranormal investigating”

Henry never believed in spirits or spectral having not witnessed any himself. He believed seeing was believing and if he has never seen one then it isn’t real. But he was headed to Maine because he received a letter in the mail from a relative saying that he now owns a mansion in Maine because his great great grandfather passed it onto him. Even though he never knew this Grandfather he didn’t wanna pass the opportunity to get out of Tusko and quickly left.

“Paranormal investigating?”

He said chuckling

“You believe in that stuff?”

“Oh yeah”

She pulled out her phone and showed him where in Maine she was headed

“The Wilkes Mansion, there’s stories from all over saying this place is haunted and that an angry ghost lingers around the halls of that mansion”

She said eyes wide and at that response he laughed so loud everyone in the airborne plane starred at him with a weird expression on their face. After a few minutes they went back to what they were doing and he now felt comfortable to respond

“That mansion”

He said

“Is my families mansion now entrusted to me, and I won’t let anyone else damage this mansion since it’s my home ticket outta Tusko”

“Please please please”

She begged with puppy eyes


He said firmly now turning to the window

“I can’t that’d be like me ransacking and walking in your house how would you like that?”

“I’ll do anything”

She said desperately

“Hmmm... well Mary I’ll need money since ehhhh I don’t really have any”

He rubbed the back of his head chuckling quietly. She fumbled into her purse and pulled out $500

“I have $500 would that work?”


placing his hand on his chin he really needed the money since he left everything he had in Tusko because he didn’t want anything to remind him of that place. But stupidly he also forgot money and realllly needed some change to survive any place.

“Yeah sure that’ll work”


She shrieked with glee hugging him, and he felt awkward and just sat blushing inside. The plane had been flying for hours and they just chatted to become more aquatinted with each other. And Henry learned that Mary was 22 and from a different city of Mississippi and had searched and been to every paranormal place in Mississippi and this mansion in Maine would go on a documentary if the footage was appealing enough to the producers. Mary was a strange girl. Brunette silky hair, geyser blue eyes and a chubby complexion. But Henry thought she looked beautiful and wouldn’t mind if she kept him company at the “Haunted” mansion. After talking the plane rattled as it was getting ready for landing and the captain said “alright passengers we’ve now arrived at Maine”

And it landed as everyone got off, and Mary and Henry were the last to get off and they dialed a taxi ready to head to the Wilkes Mansion.

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