‘And the sky had never looked so blue.’

Write a poem, ending with this line, which focuses on hope and positivity.

The Has Never Looked So Blue

The sky had never looked so blue, Grass had never looked so green. The sun had never looked so bright, The world had never felt so keen. I walked down the street I had always knew, The same suburb houses and motorway roar. yet the sky had never looked so blue, And my heart swelled with dread no more. I heard the same cars that buzz down roads, I smelt the same petrol that has me sick. I saw the same houses that stores my debt, But now it was my happiness I had to pick. I did not now what will happen tomorrow, I cannot change what happened today. I cannot help the emotions I feel, But I do control the things that I say. Todays mistakes are tomorrows lesson, Tomorrows mistakes still lie uncovered. And I still have a tomorrow to help me, So much to learn and to be discovered. Money does make me happy, Cars do bring me me joy, But so d9 the smiles on faces, Of all the little girls and boys I am happy because I say I am, I am good because I know my worth. I am strong because I know I am right, I am more valuable that all the Myrrh. I work hard to get what I want, I am imperfect and still I try. I am not given the thing I earn, But people’s love for me is never dry. And some times I get things wrong, And some things I do thing I only regret. And some times I act to fast, And others expectation are not met. But still for my long life, I still I never do give in. Everyday I still try my best, And every day I always win. If you want too race then race your self, Then you know you will always win. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help, Or admit you are yet too learn to swim
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