The Midnight Bride

On Halloween night, the townsfolk warned against venturing into the old graveyard, where the Midnight Bride waited. Long ago, she was abandoned at the altar, her despair twisting her into something no longer human. Those brave or foolish enough to seek her out found themselves lured by her haunting beauty, her veil hiding the hollow void where her face should be.

She whispered promises of eternal love, but the moment they reached for her, their hands froze in terror as her skeletal fingers locked around their throats. Her eyes, black pits of endless sorrow, were the last thing they saw before their breath ceased. The roses around her crumbling stone altar bloomed in fresh red as each new soul joined her eternal vigil.

And so, each Halloween, the Midnight Bride waited, her mournful wails blending with the wind, forever seeking the lover who never came.

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