All Of Time

I have a theory. It is probably wrong, but on this very strange day it has mysteriously fallen inside my head, and so I feel the need to tell it.

You see, every year, every hour, every minute, and every moment, is a part of the great concept we call time. Time has been a thing for a good while now, but each of these bits are the building blocks that make up time. Time-blocks, I call them. Little boxes that contain the happenings of everything in that division of time, and every alternate dimension and circumstance which could possibly occur in that time. So, for instance, the birth of a healthy baby, an unhealthy baby, and a miscarried baby, all in one of these time blocks, but the baby is the same baby for each of these situations; it’s the dimension of time in which the baby is born that differs.

So what does happens to all these time-blocks? In my theory, the blocks position themselves all together, attaching up down and sideways, in all different directions and mismatched ways, until together they form a line. This line, I like to say, is what we call all of time. The beginning of the line is, the beginning of everything and anything, and the end is the end. There is not just one, however, but an infinite amount of time-lines. The lines converge, twisting and turning and building onto one another like a braided rope, until they are so thick that they form a wall. Such a wall is what we have named as the space-time continuum. It exists not only in the sense of things happening in order, but also in a certain place.

Now if these time blocks and time lines were to exist, could we then form a time cube? A structure of time in the third dimension? Of course. But it would not just be a cube; time is infinite and grand in every and all respects, and it would not settle to be a mere cube as it builds itself up and up and up into existence. It would only settle for a massive structure, one worthy of a kingly, no, divine, being, one who rules all of time and space and everything in between. A castle, perhaps, or a palace large and wide enough for uncountable amounts of life and non life . A palace of time. A palace which we call the great universe.

Who dwells in such a palace, a fortress of everything in the physical and non physical worlds alike? It is neither animal nor human, cultured or uncultured, gendered or not gendered, separated or a whole; it is one being that cannot be described, but is named only as a being, and by the term ‘being’ only because there is nothing within the realm of human language that even comes close to what I am trying to describe. It has no face, no body, no physical presence; and yet, it has conscience, it has thoughts, and it has communication. It is the master of all time, living in a palace of time blocks and time lines and time continuums, and it is above all and everything, as it is as at the head of all types of happenings in the universe.

I tell you this theory, once again, because I do not know where it came from. It only dropped into my head but a mere few time blocks ago, and I have no idea what prompted it. But you see, I need your help, because I am in a very unfortunate situation:

I seem to remember everything about my past life, my first life, before everything changed. I am still me. I am still human... in thought.

But no one, past or present or future, seems to know who I am. I have fallen into this position unwillingly, and I have adopted this theory as the theory of how All Of Time came to be, and how I came to be, even though it is not really me at all. No one else here knows I don’t belong. Someone put me here, and someone fled. Someone fled from this position and I don’t know why, but it couldn’t be for any good reason. Boredom? Anger? Fear? I’m not sure.

But I know I am now the great being of All Of Time.

I am the owner of the universe.

And I need your help getting home.

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