Inspired by Kendall Ripleys
A creature that has lived in a dark cave for its whole life experiences light for the first time.
Write a heavily descriptive piece about this experience.
The Girl Inside the Cave
When I stepped out of the cave, the first thing I noticed was the warmth.
Heat wrapped around my skin like a blanket. It tingled as though little ants were marching up and down my arms and neck.
Once my eyes adjusted from the dark, I saw the color. Bright blue skies, dark green forests, even the small bits of purples and reds from the people below.
I tried looking at the source, but it burned. The most I could see was a small silhouette through squinted eyes.
I laughed, the sound not much more than a rasp. I haven’t used my voice in a long time.
There were many sounds. Running water. Grass blowing in the wind. Voices talking from below.
I was raised here, in the isolation of the cave. But I was done. I was leaving the cave and everything it meant behind.
It was time to start a new life.