A tattoo artist can ink your fate onto your skin, but once drawn, it cannot be changed or undone.
Write a story about a character deciding whether to uncover their fate, or leave it open for change.
I Understand Now
I made a mistake at age 18. One I can never get back. Most people when they reach 18 do something exciting. Like going to college. But I did something stupid.
“Do it! Do it! Do. It!” My friends chanted at me as we stood in the tattoo shop. I didn’t want to get a tattoo especially not at this sketchy-looking place. With boarded windows and rusted leaking pipes. But I lost a bet, and I am not a sore loser.
I walk up to the counter and I’m greeted by a woman who looks like she’s dying at 30. “Excuse me, ma’am? I would like a tattoo please.” I say with hesitation.
“Ah, of course, dear. Do you have anything in mind?” She asks me as she verified my ID. I shake my head and look back at my friends who are talking by the cracked wood-covered widows.
“Right this way honey.” She starts to walk towards the very uncomfortable-looking chair in the middle of the room. I follow behind her and sit in the indeed uncomfortable chair.
“You ready?” She asks me with this glint in her eyes I just can’t place. I nod and close my eyes as she begins.
“Done.” She steps back from me and I look at the back of my hand to see a date written there in thick black ink.
October 12, 2024.
I look at the woman in confusion. “I don’t get it,” I say.
“Oh, you will. Trust me. You’ll understand very soon…”
That brings me to now. Laying in a hospital bed struggling to breathe. ‘I understand now. I get it.’ I think as I take my last breath.
Alissa Genevieve
Born: October 11, 2004
Died: October 12, 2024