Proper Prompt Poem, Perchance?

…attributes, always belying belief in the beauty of consistent consonants and consonance,

Creating dramatic, detailed depictions of eerily-earthy enjoyment,

Forever floundering fondly from gray-matter given generously,

Having had hardly the headspace initially intended for justly jubilant jocularity,

Keeps a kinetic kaleidoscope living,

Long-last lauded,

Metaphorically-metered in the muck and mire,

Never knowing the natural openness others opine,

Perceiving perpetual progress—quintessentially, quite a quagmire;

Relatively relaxed (in relation to standard sonnet or succinct tome),

To teach us—uneducated underlings—various vicarious visions,

Wheels of wondering,

Wasted examinations, X-rays of exquisitely youthful yarns,

Yearning for zany zestfullness,

Too zealous to admit to admiring alliterative…

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