Don't go outside part 2

He waved goodbye and then smiled... Now since I read books about yandere or obsessed love i figured that I get the hell away from this town and move to LA. I didn't even say goodbye to my parents but i called them and told them what happened. But my neighbor once said this to me...

"Did you have a ex?" I answered "yes and he was toxic" and then he said "okay *smiling*"

Now I didn't think much of it at first but I couldn't get over the feeling that he did it. My ex once said "In this world nobody will love and like I do like who would love you? Your parents, hahaha your parents never loved you. I am the only person who could stand you." Yea he was a manipulator and a asshole. So now I'm in LA with my dog and I got a apartment and the rent is only 15k so I can afford it. I still don't go outside but since they have dog walkers here, I let them take my dog for a walk with them. By the way, I changed my name to, Katherine Brown and changed my hair color to brunette and wearing contacts that are a very light brown.

The neighbor POV


"you can't hide from me rose ❤ I will always love you and you will love me back I'll make sure of that... Hahahahah"

"You. Will. Be. Mine. Rose ❤"

So I had this feeling that someone was talking about me but I didn't care. But who ever decapitated my ex is someone who I told about which is a lo of people but I won't investigate because I'm not dieing today. Now let's talk about my dad... He was an abuser (this is not real life I just put it in the story to add drama but trigger warning) Every time I did something wrong like wasting water, answering a question wrong further more, not getting an A on every assignment. So he would bring me in his room and whoop me everytime. I told me mom about this but she couldn't do nothing since she was afraid of him too. But 2 years later of abuse we got the courage to run away and call the cops on him and was sentence to life in prison. Known to you I was 7 at the time when he went to jail so I was 5 when he was abusing me and my mother. But this is all about my sad story but I won't bored you with this. Anyways I had this feeling that someone from my neighborhood was... Creepy and a little bit flirty all the time. But I just close the blinds and never open it until he stop doing

2 years later

I have been living in the apartment for 2 years now but I found someone.... He's kind and sweet hearted. He is everything I've been looking for..... I hope this one last forever.

Neighbor from Texas

" I've finally found you... My love ❤.. Look like you have found someone mad😠but no matter I just have to take care of him like I did your ex. This time I WON'T let you get away."

Damn, yandere much but okay, Now listen I didnt now this at the time okay I was just living my life like normal. My previous boyfriend knew I never leaves the house but he still loved me either way.

2 months later

My boyfriend : hey babe, are you available on Friday?

Me: yea why

My boyfriend: well let's go see a movie and I know you don't want to go outside but we can try

Me: ..... Okay

My boyfriend: okay love you

Me: love you too.

*Hangs up*

Now on Friday I got ready, but i watched the news for a bit and it said "A murder has been reported and his name is (my boyfriend name)". I cried, I lost 1 of my best person in this world. *knocking* W-Who is it? " The ups I have a package for you that have been delivered unknowned". Okay I'll get it *open door and takes it and opens it* No, Noooo, Nooo *crying* what was inside was my decapitated boyfriend head. IF YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE JUST COME OUT I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!

Neighbor POV

"Aww my darling want to see me ❤fine I'll come out"

"Well hello darling you miss me? *smiling*

Me: No, Noo, you was dead and now your alive, I broke up with you and it was over

Did I not menting that I have another ex that was very obsessed with me and never let me talk to my friends yea that's him.


Me: YES I DID!!!

"you can get rid of me that Easy love ❤ *pulls me in for a hug* I miss you and I will make you mine ❤❤".


" HAHAHAHAHA, your so funny you will NEVER hate me..... You will love me and love me"

Me: *backs way but bump into a table* GET THE FUCK BACK OR I WILL KICK YOU IN THE BALLS

*Walks closer* "hahahah I will make you mine"

Me: *tries to kick him in the balls but he blocks it* THE FUCK HOW THE FUCK DID YOU NOT FALL DOWN TO YOUR KNEES YOU FUVKING SUPERMAN

*pulls me closer and kiss me* I love you

Me: *slaps him* WTF DONT KISS ME YOU BITCH *Tries to make a run for it but gets a bag over my head and passes out*

"don't worry darling you will be safe soon"

Okay so this would never be me because 1 I'm not going to date no one and I mean nobody.

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