by Art by Sans @

Write a horror or fantasy story based around this image.

The Mistress of Borwood Forest

They said it was a bad idea to come here. But I never listen anyway.

Towering trees make it nearly impossible for any stream of light to make its way through. I had entered the forest at midday, but it might as well have been midnight. Only the soft glow from above the treetops makes it possible to see anything at all.

The wind whistles through my ears, playfully brushing my hair from side to side. Otherwise, it was eerily silent. Not even a cricket dare makes a noise in the Mistress's domain.

But that is precisely why I'm here. I'm here to make noise. I want to be found.

Leaves crunch underneath my every step. Twigs snap in response to my weight.

"Come out and get me, you bitch!" I yell into the expansive forest, "You took something from me, and I want it back!"

My voice is hoarse, I've been yelling for hours. If I keep this up any longer I won't have any voice left. Then I'd be stuck wandering this forest forever. Until she finally shows herself, that is.

She could make me wait for hours, months, years, eternity.

But she won't.

You see, I have something she wants. Something she wants even more than what she stole from me.

"I've waited long enough. Show yourself, you coward!" I pound my fists on the nearest oak tree, intent to make a point. You hurt mine, I hurt yours.

The breeze stills, and what was silent before becomes deafening.

"But I have so enjoyed watching you wander aimlessly." A menacing voice hisses behind me.

I turn around and the Mistress of Borwood Forest looms over me. She's more than ten feet tall, double my height. Her hair falls in long tangled curls that nearly reach the ground. The tattered white dress she wears flows in a phantom breeze, her hands carefully clasped in front of her. Her old, wrinkled face composed in a bored expression, but her gaze gives way to triumph.

"My sister. Return her. Now." I stand my ground, unwilling to break under her intense stare.

"I'll require payment." Her eerie voice echoes in the silence.

"I expect nothing less." I hold out my arm and slide my knife from its scabbard. In one smooth motion I slice the tender skin. Blood flows down my arm and drips to the ground below.

The Mistress's dull eyes widen and her body twitches. She knows she can't move until I invite her. I savor the few moments I have. Her agony a satisfaction I deserve.

"Drink up, bitch."

In quick swoop she's at my arm, slurping and gnawing at my gash. It only takes a few seconds before she jumps back.

Electricity fills the air. The breeze picks up to a whirl of wind, and the Mistress's body is encased in swirling leaves, twigs, and other forest debris.

As quickly as it started, the breeze stops. The Mistress stands glowing in the low light. But in the place of the old, wrinkled hag stands a beautiful young woman. Her golden eyes exaggerated by the soft pink of her plump skin. Dull tangled hair is replaced by vibrant curls that flow around her small waist. Her tattered dress now a sparkling gown that any young lady would envy.

"My sister now, if you please." I say with a bored tone. I've had enough of this waiting.

"Of course." The Mistress flicks her finger and my sister appears out of nowhere. She crumples to the ground. Pure anger flares in her eyes.

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