A fairytale character is dropped into this world.

How do they react? What do they find most difficult?


Toothless looks down beneath him. He sees lights all over the bottom floor. He grunts with confusion. These lights look different from fire that he was used to seeing from Viking Villages. The thought of Vikings made him sad.

He missed Hiccup. How long had it been, he had no clue. He still remembered the weight of that skinny Viking,the scent of dragon saliva,oil,and fish that reeked on him,and the sound of his voice. To clear his head Toothless decided to dive down.

As he dived he noticed that the lights were getting brighter and he heard that it was definitely getting noisier. He decided to pull up and see if he could land. After 30 minutes of flying he found a large pine tree and landed on its branches.

He sniffed the air. It smelled of rain and dirt,but there was another smell as well. Humans! Toothless nearly leapt into the air. The thought of seeing Hiccup again made him shake with excitement!! He howled into the night and took off.

He started flying towards the light again, maybe it was another one of Hiccup’s silly inventions. Toothless didn’t like it, but he didn’t like a lot of things that Hiccup did or made. He decided to fly to a huge white that had lights shining on it.

He clumsily landed on the pyramid shaped building and looked around. He saw colors of light,heard strange sounds that didn’t make sense, and smelled repulsive smells that nearly made him vomit his trout from last night.

Then he heard beating. Like wing beats but faster,stronger, and dangerously louder. Toothless’ eyes focused and his ears were trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. Then a huge light shone on him from up above and it was as big as a dragon,but it didn’t look like one. Toothless growled a warning. He could see people in the … weird flying thing. But none of them were Hiccup

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