“Great Nation”

(This is something I wrote when I was twelve. I wanna see if u guys can guess what it’s about. Yes, it is a rather taboo topic, but the writing was pretty good for the age level, so I thought I’d share)

Why does the bee buz? Why does the bee get angry at strangers coming closer into contact? For I ask, Great Nation, what, so called Great Nation are we if we are like the bee?—getting angry at strangers who mean no harm, when they just want to escape harm, themselves.

For there are greater dangers than them. And so I say, Great Nation, we stand by the rule “Liberty and justice for all.” Well, what does that mean to the multitude of good people who were sent back to their dangerous home?

For our nation believes that none should suffer or die, yet that is all that people have been doing. They would have a better life (for isn’t that what this Great Nation’s for?) if our so called Great Nation truly believed in freedom.

Some say that freedom is earned, not given, but a Great Someone has already given it. He has given it all, ever since He sacrificed His life on a mountain where people persecuted Him and hated Him, but in the midst of all that hate, there was GREAT love.

For I am only twelve, but this I ask, Great Nation: what great nation are we?

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