Write a poem or short paragraph that contains a palindromic sentence.

A palindromic sentence can be read the same forwards or backwards. Only one of your lines needs to be a palindrome, so think carefully about how it will fit with the theme of your writing.

Water Fight.

Mr Simons rounded the corner of the corridor that led away from the class room he had been teaching in all day. The commotion from the group of year 9’s all shouting fight had dragged him away from the marking he had been doing at his desk. As he pushed open the double doors he was instantly greeted by a mass of students all with water balloons. Stepping back he narrowly missed one as it flew by him into the wall. A student came up from his right throwing a balloon in the direction the last one came from. The balloon hit the boy on the side of the head. “Now sir, a war is won.” Mr Simons smiled at that. The child reminded him of how he had been at that age. He stepped back, deciding for once not to be the teacher to stop the child having fun instead letting it go on just a little bit longer.
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