Inspired by Amber A

Use the metaphor of a fuse being lit and its impending explosion to represent a mental eruption of a strong emotion.

Consider how you will develop this metaphor with strong visual and emotional representation.

The Bank Heist

This was the day, Jake thought, lighting a cigarette and watching the bank.

It was a regular day, nothing out of the ordinary in Dodge City. Customers going in and out. Deposits, withdrawals.

One bank teller interested him most. Miss Molly Kinkade. She was his girl. Well, had been his girl. Until she dumped him and started seeing that Percival Jones, big important bank President. He had money, Jake didn’t.

He had loved her more than any other girl he’d ever courted. And she just dumped him like trash. As if he was nothing. Well, now he’d show them all.

Taking the cigarette from his mouth, he pressed the hot end of it against the fuse string, and watched as it traveled toward the bank.

But wait - Miss Molly just ran out of the bank door, with Percival in pursuit. Her bodice was torn and hair all undone. She was crying. Percival wrenched her arm.

“Jake would never have treated me this way!” She shouted.

Jake came to his senses and burst out of his hiding place.

“Get out!” He screeched. “The place is about to —“

💥 💥 💥

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