
“I can’t believe you’re going with her!” Abby squeals excitedly, bursting into my room.

“I know,” I reply, as I sneak behind the wardrobe to try on my dress.

“OMG!” she shrieks when I come out 5 minutes later, “You look amazing!”

“Thanks,” I mutter, doing my best to drown my embarrassment.

“Don’t be embarrassed!” Abby yells, clearly unaware of how loud she’s speaking, patting my shoulder.

“I’m not!” I say, shrugging her hand off and giving her a genuine look of concern as she’s acting like my mother.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asks with a playful glare. Thank goodness, my 16 year old friend has returned.

“Never mind!” I say as she takes a picture of me in the dress.

“So...who are you going with?” I ask, emphasising my voice as much as physically possible.

“Wouldn’t you like to know!” she smirks, still yelling.


“It’s a secret!” her smirks morphs into the widest smile I have ever seen.

“Tell me!” I demand of her.


“Is it Vera?”

“No!” she yells, her cheeks red, “I would never go with Vera!”

“Lexi? Sasha? Brandon? Bee?” I pester, shaking her just slightly.

She merely shakes her head, smile still in place.


She stops for a moment, eyes wide in shock, before blushing slightly, ready to deny it again.

“It’s Isla, isn’t it?” my eyes light up as though they are on fire.

“What? No!” but she stutters over her words and blushes furiously.

“Isla’s not that bad, I guess...” I think about the few times I’ve actually seen her.

“You guess?!” she yells, suddenly all defensive.

“I don’t really know her, okay!” I yell in my defence, throwing my hands in the air.

“Yeah, sure, sorry,” she says, calming back down.

“But really... I can’t believe you’re going with her!”

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