Our fate is sealed and we can do nothing to change it.

Create a story centred around this idea, or including it is as a line of dialogue.


It’s over, it has to be. The way his eyes look. That shine of pain, the shine of giving up.

“What are you saying?” I ask, my eyes on the floor.

“I’m saying,” he lifts a hand to his neck, “Well I’m saying that.”

I could feel the sting of tears crawling into my eyes, “Just say it!”

My head shoots up to meet his nervous eyes, “Just say it Dae,” I hold back tears my voice cracking, “Just say it.”

He lowers his hand to his side, “Well, I think this,” he lifts his hand to me, “Us, we’re. . .”

I let the tears slide, “Over,” I finish for him.

I turn to walk away. I couldn’t handle to look at him any longer. I had loved him so much.

I stop, and turn around.

Dae is standing still, his hand back up to his neck. He’s nervous, he only ever does that when he’s nervous.

“How could you,” I choke out, his eyes met mine, “How could you break me like this.”

Dae shakes his head, taking a step closer.

I shake my head, “After you told me you’ve never felt this way.”

Dae lunges forward grabbing my hand in his, “Elina,” he says, “I didn’t. I wouldn’t. It was. . .”

I shake my head again, “Don’t do this. It’s not you it’s me. I don’t need that. . . It’s just an excuse to get whatever you want.”

Dae grabs my other hand, “Elina, I. . .” He takes a deep breath, “I love you.”

My heart skips, it’s the first time he’s said that. He’s told me things, so many things. But never that he loves me.

“I. . . I don’t,” I stammer, his eyes clouding with tears.

“I love you,” Dae whispers.

I shut my eyes a tear escaping sliding down my cheek.

“I,” I start, “Dae, I can’t. . . I loved you, but I can’t.”

Dae let’s my hand fall, “You can’t love me or you don’t?”

If only I knew. I loved Dae right now. But I had a feeling. It wasn’t meant to be, fate had chosen and it didn’t pick my life to collide with Dae’s no matter how much I wanted it to.

“I don’t,” I force the words out, breaking my own heart along with Dae’s. I hoped he could tell this was a lie. The biggest lie I’ve ever told.

Dae nodded, turning away from me.

I watched him walk down the sidewalk, his hands in the pocket of his coat.

I fall to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. “I love you Dae!” I cry, “I’ve always loved you.”

And yet I couldn’t tell him to his face. I couldn’t tell him that his life was mine.

And it was all fates fault .

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