Tired Of Your Nonsense

As the car door slammed, he murmured, “This is getting too dangerous for both of us”

“Easy for you to say,” Shay responded, “You’re a car! If you get shot up, you can just go to a mechanic. If I get shot up, I’m dead meat!”

He didn’t technically have eyes in the same way a human had eyes, but if he did, she was sure that he would have rolled them at her incredulously. Despite the high quality leather seats he was sporting, he could be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

“Besides,” she continued as she walked around to open the trunk, “You’re staying out here. I’M the one who has to go in there where all the danger is!” She moved aside the tarp she had placed inside the trunk, revealing the rifle she had hidden underneath. As the weight of the gun shifted the car, he retorted;

“Hey, you CHOSE this life! I didn’t even have a choice! If I knew I’d be a goddamn getaway car for some no-good merc, I never would’ve let Chip sell me to you!”

“Yeah well, if Ol’ Chippy had told me that the car he was selling me was a total wise-ass, I wouldn’t have bought you!” She fired back, slamming the trunk hard, or at least as hard as she could manage with an AK-47 in her hands.

Shay heard a huff as she walked back around to the front of the car.

“Whatever, just… try not to die in there, alright?”

Shay shot him a look, eyebrows raised.

“Why? Are you worried about me or something?”

He scoffed “No, I just don’t want to be stuck out here any longer than I need to be, so just go already!”

Now it was Shay’s turn to scoff.

“No wonder Chip was so eager to get rid of you.”

She spun on her heels and began making her way towards the drug den she had been paid to clear out, the car stayed behind, hoping he would get to leave without needing mending or a new paint job for once.

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