The Lapp Eagle ©2019 TeroPorthan

Write a story or poem based on this image


Silervius the Prime stood with his mere 100 men at the highest point of the Black Forest, all eyes skyward, watching, waiting. Glilinell the Consul, Silervius’ lifelong friend, wrapped his cloak tighter about him and sighed.

“I... I do have faith, Silervius, but are you sure about this? What we’re doing here tonight; it’s unheard of.” Silervius turned his head ever so slightly, his eyes never leaving the sky.

“That is why it is sure to work, Glilinell. All the greatest wars have provided an evolution to strategy. This is necessary, no matter the outcome.” Silervius looked his friend in the eye now, “Do you see?” Glilinell did not reply, but returned to the watch and thought back on what brought them to this point.

Ten years previous was the first time Silervius and Glilinell had heard of ‘Chaklu’, a giant crow-like bird that had been terrorising the new villages popping up all over Keemraska, and it was seen heading straight towards them; the new warrior village of Gilrady. Silervius, only the Prime’s second at this point, gathered the men and set a defensive perimeter. Rezzick the Prime bounded out of the front gates with Glilinell the Consul close behind and met with Silervius the Prime-Regent and their other 500 warriors.

“Look to the skies, men! I want this bird for our feast!” Rezzick bellowed, and the men roared back. Almost as if in reply, the mighty Chaklu was heard screeching in the distance, towards the Black Forest. Again the bird shrieked, rising high and then begun ploughing towards the village.

The mighty Chaklu descended upon the village of Gilrady like a chaotic tornado yet the warriors fought on, and on, until almost none remained. They hacked and slashed for hours but the bird would not give up, not even after Rezzick stabbed and blinded the bird in one eye the moment before he was gobbled up. Eventually, when only 200 men remained, the bird gave up its fight and retired to the Black Forest.

For years the warriors of Gilrady followed and fought the mighty Chaklu, but they could never beat the beast. Finally, the new Prime, Silervius, vowed that a different strategy was needed, and Glilinell had an idea.

“Stop! This is wrong, Silervius!” Borrel insisted.

“You desired the Primeship, Borrel, but you did not win it. I drew first blood, remember? Now, return to your watch. If the bait worked, Chaklu will be here soon.” Borrel tried to calm the fire in his blood, but he knew this wasn’t the way of the warrior.

Chaklu didn’t give them much time to prepare. The beast rose above them out of nowhere and locked eyes with Silervius and Glilinell as long time enemies.

“Now!” Silervius shouted, and 100 men lifted Chaklu’s giant baby in to the air. “Is this what you’ve been looking for?” He smiled.

“No!” Borrel yowled. He nocked an arrow faster than anyone could stop him and let loose at the giant baby bird.
