Treasures Touched By Time

Dear reader,

By the time you find this I would be a very old man. Maybe I would have a great white beard and skin so wrinkly, you have to iron it. Perhaps you may even open this after I am dead. I don’t know what that exactly means yet. When grandpa died, we put him in a box, maybe they would do the same for me. It sounds fun though, living in a box.

Maybe you are from a time where nobody dies at all. My older brother told me that in the future, people could live forever. I wouldn’t want to live forever , I imagine that includes just being old for a very long time. Old people can’t have candy because they don’t have teeth. If you are missing teeth, share the candies in the box with your grandkids. If you have teeth, enjoy them. I made them myself with maple syrup and sugar. Mom says you shouldn’t eat old candy but who cares? Mothers are so immature for wasting good candy like that.

After you are done with your candy, open the second layer of the box. You will find my sister’s doll there. I stole it because she always makes fun of me for being short. It’s not a great toy, I don’t know why she likes it so much. Maybe you can take out its head and pretend it’s a headless zombie. If you are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, ignore my previous comment and also sorry that you have to deal with that.

Anyway, I am tired now. When you find this in the next 100 or 500 years, I hope you have fun with stuff I left for you.

Your friend,


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