Write a short love story, where you cannot describe anything directly or in its real sense.
Metaphors, metaphors, metaphors!
I was used to always weighing everyone down. Forever meant to be a burden. Rotting away at the bottom of an endless sea. Alone. Forgotten.
Stories had been told, just like mine, where one day everything would change and a light would reach down to the depths of where I now lay in waiting. Whatever the light touches, it takes back to the surface with it.
I yearn for the day it is my turn to go with my own light. To not feel as though I serve no purpose. Maybe the light will show me what it is I’ve been missing?
I yearn for the light.
Praying to whatever lies beyond the waves, that my light will come soon. It’s so cold and dark down here. What I would give to feel the warmth of the light upon me.
Another day, come and gone. I lay in my usual dark corner of the world, beginning to lose hope. Would it be okay for me to drift off to sleep? I’ve been waiting so long, what if I miss the light?
There. In the distance. I see it.
At last! The light has come for me.
As the light passes over me, I feel myself begin to rise. Lifted from the dirt, headed towards the surface. The light caresses me. It tells me of a far away place where I can be reborn, useful, above the water.
Is this wetness I feel coming from me? Is this what it is to be loved? Warm, reassured and cared for? I had never known such happiness.
I was used to always weighing everyone down.
Until the light came.