Your character wakes up in hospital as the doctor is explaining that they have sustained a rare brain injury, and that from now on they will…
Decide what the consequence of the injury is and write a story about this character
“What, Doctor?” I inquired, as I could not believe my ears. I reached up my by head, bandaged. I felt odd, like I was standing outside myself; my brain, my feelings, didn’t feel quite like myself.
“The accident was quite severe, I’m afraid. Your brain ha sustained a rare injury. But this was one that was repairable my a new technology, nano-tech.”
“Wait, like Star Trek or Tony Stark?” I groggily asked.
“Well, yes, but real. And in your brain. The tiny machine-“ “I’m Seven-of-Nine!! But with a smaller chest...” “As I was saying, the machines are repairing your brain as we speak!! We hope you have a full recovery soon, but we will keep in observation for a few weeks after, we need to monitor your healing.”
“Can I assimilate you? Or form armor?” I didn’t know whether it was the accident, the shock of survival, the nano-whatsists, or the excellent pain meds coursing through my veins, but I was giddy as can be.
“Well, no, but in truth we don’t know what the long term of affects of this new technology is. You are the first human we tried this on.”
I was staring at my hand, trying to release the assimilation tubules, no such luck. “Wait, first human? Who gave consent to this experiment?”
“Oh, look at the time. I am afraid I was needed elsewhere. I will talk to you again tomorrow, and congrats on your recovery.”
The doctor quickly leaves the room, and I hear the door lock. I tried to get up to open the door, but find my body is not obeying my brain. The tech? The drugs? Oh, I am too weak to care. I drift off to sleep.