Write a story that focuses on the theme of reflection. This could be self-reflection, a physical reflecton in a mirror, a reflection of light etc.
Broken Reflection
Leah and Violet had spent hours getting ready for prom. Every detail had to be perfect. Everything had to assure that all eyes will be on them because they would be making history.
“Hey, babe!” Leah yelled from the bathroom. “Where are your bobby pins?”
“No clue! My mom puts them in a new location every time she uses them. Just look around and see what you can find!”
With compliance, Leah opened every drawer, ever cabinet for at least something that can hold her bun in place. She found a navy blue hairclip that clashed against her dress. With the limited resources, she had to make do.
“Did you find anything?” Violet asked.
“Yeah! I did!”
“Then let me see your dress! I’ve been waiting for hours!”
Leah giggled. “Okay!”
She glanced in the mirror, checking if anything was out of place. Her painted nails glimmered in the light above. Her makeup was flawless. It was the most beautiful Leah ever felt.
“Hurry up!” Violet squealed.
“I’m coming, geez!”
Excitement fizzed in Leah’s stomach. Her hand clasped around her necklace, ready to make her grand enterance.
But there something out of place.
Everything Leah used was put back in it’s original spot. Everything that was open has been closed. It was as if the bathroom was never used.
Her reflection, on the other hand, was no longer mimicking her movements.
“Violet!” Leah said. “Could you come here?”
She paced back and forth, but the reflection only followed her with its eyes. Its body remained still like a statue, waiting to strike when no one is looking.
“What is it?” Violet leaned against the doorway, arms crossed around her chest. The train of her black dress cascading behind her. It took one glance at the mirror for her jaw to drop.
“What the hell?”
Violet’s reflection was mimicking Leah’s. It stood with a sadistic smile exposing blood red gums and paper white teeth.
“Leah, let’s go. The limo is waiting for us.” Violet offered her hand, which perspired with a thin layer of sweat.
“Y-yeah. Sure,” Leah muttered. Her heart sounded a fearful rythum. The soundwaves made themselves known in the walls of her skull.
Only when a chill ran down her back did she scream, because the chill came from the beckoning hands emerging from the mirror.