Into The Unknown

(This is just a Little story about some kittens, I imagine them becoming part of a clan one day so, you can loop it into warrior cats if you want😁)

Bull Winkles eye twitched slightly. His breathing seemed slow. ‘He’s asleep,’ I had whispered to my litter mates.

We scurried off to the front door, the flap open for us to go, since our owner didn’t mind.

“Are we ever coming back?” The runt of our litter, Shrimp, asked.

“No, don’t be a baby. It’s been our dream since we could open our eyes to see the outside. We are 9 moons old, and dad won’t let us out, and probably won’t because of moms death…” I said, In a firm but kind meow.

“Ok,” Shrimp mewed, his voice happier now.

I gave him a soft smile, looked back at our litter mates, Freckle(Male) Stick(Male) Starburst(Male) Shrimp(Male), and last but not least, me, Starker/Starke(female)

I was the first one out the cat flap, since I led our little pack, being the one to lead us through everything. The strong one.

My name actually meant ‘Strong One’ in my mothers language.

A flick my tail. A leaf getting caught slightly on the curly tuft at the end.

“Starke?” Shrimp said as he padded up to me, his shorter legs working double time.

“Yes Shrimp?” I replied, whisking my tail to end up just below his nape.

“What’s our plan?” Shrimp asked.

“Our plan is to go, without stopping, find the ends of this,” I answered, motioning with my whole tail, the world.

“I’ve never met anyone like you,” Shrimp commented kindly.

“You should be great full for that,” I set my tail back down on his back, his soft smile, his soft breathing, his gentle touch, he’s so vulnerable, and I have to be strong enough to protect him, my whole litter.

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