Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
I can’t take the pain. Not anymore. Everyone I love has been stolen from my life. My sister is the only one left. My mother and father were slaughtered in front of my siblings and I. My older brother told us to run. I remember the day so vividly. It is burned into my brain. The look on my parents’ faces. Their screams, telling us to run. The swords that were shoved through their chests. The way their bodies went limp.
We ran. We ran as far as we could. We didn’t stop until it was dark. We met with my closest friend. He was the one person I could trust to protect my sister. My brother was filled with vengeance. “I am going to kill them.” His voice was cold and deadly. “You can’t leave us. Not now,” I said. I moved closer and said quietly to him, “Not her.” He looked down for a minute. When he looked back up he said, “I can’t stand down.” “It’s not standing down. It is not leaving us alone!” “I’ll go with him.” My friend’s voice startled us. At dawn, they left. That was the last time that I would see them alive.
My sister and I lived alone for two weeks. We had no idea if they were alive. While walking in the woods I heard screams. They were my sister’s. I sprinted to the house only to find my sister crying over two bodies. It was them. Tortured then killed.
My sister’s soft voice brought me back to reality. I saw the fire that we were sitting by. The heat on my face. “Are you okay.” “No,” I said, my voice suprisingly cold. BANG! The gushot took the last person I love. I saw my sister’s lifeless body fall onto my lap. I never saw who took her life. I will make die a thousand deaths. Feel pain greater than they can imagine. All hope I had for this world died with my sister, then and there. I will kill my family’s murders slowly. A quick death would be a mercy. They stole my humanity. They want a monster and that is what they are going to get. They turned me into a monster full of vengeance. I will steal their lives, but by bit. Just like how they stole my loved ones.