Write a poem using multiple rhetorical questions, where the narrator is questioning their own judgement or viewpoint.

You could use the questions to make the reader think, or to show how doubtful the narrator is of their own stance.

Do You?

P.S before you read this I tried my go at comedy and it didn’t go so well but if you want to read it then have fun! I tried my best.

Sometimes, I think about a conversation I had 7 years ago. All I can think is ‘did I need to say that?’

‘Ooh I should’ve said this’ ‘dang it why didn’t I don’t that????’

And sometimes all I can ask people is if they have felt that too.

I know they have- you probably have heard a sob story from one of your friends 5 years ago about their ‘one true love’ and thought ‘oh- I shouldn’t of said that’ because now they are married to someone else.

Have you thought that? Because I certainly have.

I think a lot. Probably to much. Do you?

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