Connected. Separated. Gleeful.

Write a story of no more than 10 sentences that incorporates these three words in a natural way.

Even Still

The two were separated. He laughed gleefully with the ones he foolishly considered friends; slowly but surely losing himself to the cruelty of their time. She watched him from a distance, reminiscing in the faint sound of his voice saying her name; and secretly longing to hear it once more. Even still. Even as everyone thought the world of him, even as everyone cherished his name and purpose like gold at the end of the rainbow; he still looked for her in the crowd. Even as she swore she was better off, that nothing he could ever do would mend the promises broken and love shattered; she always looked too, only to find his eyes glued to hers as well. Their gaze lasted only seconds (but for them a lifetime), each of them exchanging their feelings and grief without any words spoken or tears shed. The two were connected. The gaze being broken would hurt the most, because she would see as he returned to his life of popularity, and he would be too late to return his eyes only to see her leaving.

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