
Everything Alan owned fit in one single, cardboard box. He prided himself on that: the fact that his life, if he needed to move or relocate or escape in an emergency, could fit in one box. Thats what he was doing now, walking down the New York streets to a new location, when he met Erin, unloading his belongings from a wide body van.

“I have the couch, but let’s get a new one?” Alan heard the man say as he hauled a box to the walk-up. He stood on the outskirts and watched as belonging after belonging was unloaded, with the man talking about buying more things, tradings old things for new things, and keeping most everything from his previous location.

Erin didn’t notice Alan until he waved, and he slowly waved back. He didn’t know him but wouldn’t say new friends. Erin wanted it all.

Alan, though, didn’t want to meet Erin. He didn’t want anything. He just wanted his box, and to be on his way. Or so he had thought …

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