Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Dear Diary

Dear diary I just turned eleven today and got this diary for my birthday!

Dear diary today on the playground Carson pushed me which was gross because boys have cooties!!

Dear diary I just turned twelve today and I think I might like Carson…?

Dear diary I was invited to Carson’s birthday party.

Dear diary I just turned thirteen and middle school is almost over!

Dear diary today we got a new dog named chip!!!

P.S I still like Carson

Dear diary I just turned forteen and Im starting my first year of high school!

Dear diary me and Carson are lab partners in science!

Dear diary I just turned fifteen and my freshman year is almost over! Am I ready to be a sophomore?

Dear diary Im tired of school

Dear diary I just turned sixteen Carson asked me to homecoming!!! And yea I said yes!

Dear diary homecoming sucked Carson ditched me for another girl.

Dear diary I just turned seventeen and I see no point in life anymore, Im just sad now.

Dear diary Ive been skipping so much school, I see no point in going anymore.

Dear diary I just turned eighteen and there is a man thats been fallowing me everywhere…I want to go to the police but I dont know what to tell them, what if Im just paranoid?

Dear diary, the man is outside my house and pounding on my windows! Whoever finds this diary needs to know that the man outside my house is car-

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