by Maxence Pira @ Unsplash

Compose a story using whatever comes to mind when you see this image.
Last Call
I sat and stared at the only telephone booth left in this town, overlooking a view that’s burning hues similar to the last cigarette pressed up against my lips. I was notorious for messing things up, myself, relationships, places, All of the above.
I mean, that’s how I ended up there anyway,
hitting 89mph I burned my rusted chevy up those windy roads after Lily said she was leaving me. This was the only place I thought she might go—after all, it’s where I fell in love. So much kissing, dancing, laughing and slow love making went down. This spot meant so much more than that red telephone booth.
I looked around tirelessly, my heart pounding out of my chest, hoping she was sitting somewhere off in the distance. But she wasnt, Only the last cigarette we shared together and 50 cents resting untouched since we promised we’d see if this old booth worked the next time we came.
The booth loomed before me, a relic of the past, much like our love. “I still dont know if this damn thing works” I muttered, but I do have those 10 didgets grilled into my brain like the stars fixed into the night sky, a constant unchanging presence.
So I gave it a ring hoping this 50 cents was worth something, the phone rang 3 times before she picked up.
“This damn thing works!” I shouted
Lily-“What do you want Kayd? I can’t do this one sidedness anymore.”
She was right; our relationship was one sided…
“Lily I never got the chance to tell you while I was working sun up to sundown, I was stuck in my ways” I said meaningfully
Lilys voice softened “Tell me what?”
“I love you, Lilly. I’ll do anything to not lose you”