by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Write a story where an important scene takes place in an outdoor play area.


I fall into the deep void,

Sometimes I think I’m just being paranoid,

The world around me is dark,

And I could never find a mark,

The light is dark but seeks beauty,

I’ve been told of how pretty it is,

The trees grow into blooming leaves that turn warm,

And owls hide away like it’s their dorm,

The grass grows greener each rainfall,

And the swooshing waterfall,

Maybe I can’t see,

But that’s not how it has to be,

I can imagine what the world looks like,

And even if it’s just a made up image,

I can still feel similar to the people lurking around me,

So even though I cant see,

I can create a world to how I want it to be,

The grass is white and the clouds are orange,

I can imagine colors, but they will never be the same as the name,

Even if you think it’s lame,

It’s my world,

And you can’t change it,

I simply can’t see,

So this is how I want it to be,

Just like me,

Full of colors that seek light,

But all I know is what hides the colors of night,

But the pink is orange and yellow is blue,

So this is my color palette,

How about you?

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