“This could be our last chance. Why don’t we just take it?”

Write a short story that contains this line of speech.

On The Run

“I don’t want you to go.” “I know but I have to, you know it isn’t safe for me here.” “I just can’t imagine living without you.” “I can’t either but I really have to go. What if they find me, I can’t risk it.” “How about I go with you.” “What are you crazy? If they find me they take you too, I couldn’t live with myself if you get hurt.” “Come on Ally, I have been there for you every single day, I can’t just let you go now.” “Josh. I have to go.” “Ally. What if this is the last time I see you.” “I’m sure it won’t be.” “But what if it is. Ally we have been friends for over 10 years I can’t just let you go.” “Oh Josh, Im gonna miss you so much.” “I don’t know if I can let you go, I’m coming with you.” “Are you sure, I would love for you to come but you know the risks.” “Come on Ally, this could be our last chance. Why don’t we just take it?” “Ok, fine. Come on let’s go.” “Oh Ally I love you.” “I love you too.”

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