Water is lapping between your chin and neck, each wave colliding to the beat of your heart...
Continue the story. You may wish to continue in the second-person perspective but you do not have to.
Water is lapping between your chin and neck, each wave colliding to the beat of your heart, as you try to stay above water. Every wave throws you back under the water, your breathing becoming slowed as you attempt to get back above water. Finally, a huge wave tosses you under for too long, causing your life to flash before your eyes. Birthday party's, school, friends, vacations, everything. Why were you so opposed to swimming lessons in the past? If you had taken them, they would've saved your life. But still, you force yourself above water again, to take a breath before being launched into the unforgiving water again. As you come up again, you catch a faint glimpse of the bridge. Nobody there. They had the audacity to toss you in the water as a ‘joke’ but once they realized you couldn’t swim, they ran.
Another wave tosses you under, this time keeping you there, as you make useless attempts to return to the surface. A second wave comes over, keeping you trapped under the water, only being able to thrust your hand above the water. Pointless. Everything seems to be getting hazy. Spinning. It feels as though your body is slowing. Not responding any longer. You let out your breath by mistake, as you stop being able to control yourself, falling into darkness.
Suddenly, a hand grabs your wrist and starts pulling you out of the water, slowly but with purpose. You’re dragged over to under the bridge, on the side, where the water does not reach. You cough, desperate for the air to enter your lungs and for the water to exit. You open your eyes and quickly sit up, coughing up water, as a quiet voice murmurs, “You’re alright.” You eventually quit coughing and look up at your savior. He has messy light brown hair and golden brown eyes. “You ok?” He asks, “What happened?”
You rub your throat for a second before responding, “I’m ok” You cough once more, “I think. Thank you for saving me. I would’ve drowned otherwise” Your voice getting quieter as you finish speaking.
“It’s no problem. Im Wren.” Wren says looking at you. He hesitates before speaking again, “I uh… You.. You’re actually not the first person I’ve fished out of the river.” He talks slowly, letting the words sink in, “Nobody would tell me how they actually ended up in the river..”
You look down at the ground, silent.
“Please, I just- I just need to know how this keeps happening..” Wren says quietly.
You bite your lip, unsure of telling him or not telling him, “Why does it matter to you..?”
Wren hesitates, looking around, “About a year ago, my little sister ‘fell’ into this river and drowned. Except she didn’t fall in. She knew not to mess around by this river and she never went near it unless necessary..”
“So, you think she was pushed in..?” You say slowly, connecting all of the pieces of the puzzle.
Wren nods. You sigh, “There’s.. this gang of seniors.. from my high school..” You say miserably, forcing out the words, “There’s a lot of gangs at my high school. But they formed last year and rose to the top. All the other gangs respected them. I always thought it was odd how they rose to the top so quickly..”
“You think they killed my sister.” Wren says, a strange tone to his voice.
“I don’t know.. maybe.” You sigh, “They pushed me in..” You say quietly, as ashamed of what happened.
Wren goes quiet. You attempt to wring your hair out in an attempt to cover up the awkwardness. Your school uniform is completely soaked and walking home is going to be awful.
“What’s your name?” Wren says all of a sudden, breaking the silence.
“Uh, Eren..” You respond, a bit startled by the sudden question.
“I’m sorry for not asking earlier, that was rude of me.” Wren says looking directly at you, an oddly determined look on his face, “My little sister was pushed off this bridge a year ago, and she was not the only one. I’ve been pulling people out of the river in an attempt to get an answer. Will you please assist me in getting evidence to have those bastards locked up?”
You stare surprised, at this sudden change of tone, “I- um, I don’t really know you or anything-“
Wren interrupts, “I know this is a lot to ask of you but please. This may be my only chance.”
You sigh as Wren had just saved your life and this might be your only chance at repaying him. Besides, you don’t exactly have a lot of friends and helping Wren might make you friends with him. You sigh once more before giving him an answer, “I’ll help.”