Ghost Forest

At night, the forest becomes alive with the spirits of the dead; human and animal spirits take their exercise along the trees. Many humans and as animals roam here. I come to gather their wisdom and counsel, and visit old friends, human and non human.

Orlando brought me. when I was a boy, to get to know them and learn their ways. I bring offerings when I come, biodegradable tokens to let them know they’re appreciated and remembered amongst the living. Sometimes I think my best friends are ghosts; they always are ready to listen and ready to help. Infinitely patient, as they truly have all the time in the world.

I went there at twilight and walked slowly. The scent of cedar and pine wafted through the air. Trevor’s face appeared in front of me, his sharp features gradually forming in the gloom. I kept walking, and his voice whispered:

“Juan, lovely to see you. What have you brought for me?”

I stopped for a minute and drew out a pouch from my belt. I took a few nuggets of incense and ground them in my palms. As the scent suffused my aura, I could see his face more clearly and his voice sounded stronger in my ears. “Thanks, old boy, I needed that. What can I do for you?”

“Trevor, my people and the giants are on the brink of war. I’ve captured Bucephalus as a bargaining chip, but I’m afraid it won’t be enough. What should I do?”

“Let’s bring in a giant associate of mine, see what he thinks. Gogmagog!” Above me the tree branches rustled and spread out; the leaves on the ground flared and I saw a massive bearded visage.

“Hello Trevor, Juan,” Gogmagog boomed as I crumbled more incense in my hand. I explained my situation.

“Giants are not only after food and treasure. It’s a caricature of them; they’re more complex than you think. Try to imagine what a giant truly wants the most, and fears the most.” Gogmagog was quite the sage.

I scratched my head. “Beyond their appetites and treasure hoarding… they want to protect their children, because they are hunted and driven out of communities. They’re considered a trophy for every would be hero.”

Gogmagog intoned his words slowly. “The reason why men killed these Giants was because they took their power. That's how they could assemble their empires.”

“Before the race of men ascended , the Giants ruled the Earth. They built great cities, and commanded incredible and unmatchable powers. But because of fighting amongst them selves, they could never maintain it, and the smaller, more clever men defeated them.”

“The giants tried to defend themselves by communing with unclean spirits. They gave power entities that they didn't fully understand. As a result, they were lost.”

“Those who are left are the survivors, who not only want peace and security for their children, but who want justice for what was taken from them. They remember what they had in their bones, even if it's been erased from the history books.”

Trevor turned to me. “So you can think about the Giants as an endangered species. Would you kill a giant, Juan?”

I shook my head. “I don't want fame, I don't want power, I have enough money. There's no reason I would need to kill a giant.

He nodded. “Maybe you are the one who can help to make peace and redeem what used to be a harmonious world.”

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