An arrogant and rude boy has to spend the day with his kind, elderly neighbour.

Be descriptive with your characters and behaviour, and try to highlight their differences. Is there anything they can learn from each other?

The Same Old Coin

My cap flew off my head. I spun around and saw three bullies holding my hat escaping. I rolled my eyes. “Can humanity have any dignity for once!?”. I glared and sat on a bus bench closest to me. On this bench sat an old man; he had to be older than 60. He seemed to be staring out into nothing. If he wasn’t breathing I would have assumed he was dead. He chuckled “What’s so funny old man?” I stared, today was not the day to be laughed at, especially by a man older than the Mona Lisa itself. I sat down and grabbed my phone out and scrolled on Tik Tok. There was no point in getting my hat back, plus I couldn’t miss the bus. I looked back at the old man who seemed to be staring at the house across the street. With nothing better to do I asked “what brings you here” in my most polite voice. He stared back at me surprised. “Im coming back from visiting an old friend”. I pulled out my phone, still an hour until the bus comes. “Why did those kids steal your hat?” I looked at him, offended. I mumbled “it doesn’t matter.” He chuckled again. “You know I was once like you” I looked at him “How?”. “You can’t let them get to you”. Why was this man I have never met giving me a pep talk? “Just be kind little one”, with that he got up and left, leaving me with a smile. I was dumbfounded. He left behind a coin, gold and shiny; “kindness” wad printed in capital letters. I picked it up, “wait you left your..” He was gone. I smiled, placed the coin in my pocket, and went home. Many years later, the same bench but different, tired with age. How old was I? “Chuckles” old. Many Years past since I met the old man, he had probably moved on, although I stay here. I stare at nothing and am startled when I hear an angry voice “Are you kidding me!?” It was coming from a girl. Probably my age when I last sat here. I fumbled with the same coin in my pocket, smiling, knowing exactly what to do.
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