The Master Code Cracker

Thank goodness for the fact I am pro at the game of lockpicking cars, it might be a difficult habit to knock off, but who knows how far this trick can be pulled. As the the door handles welcomes my palm upright, I pull my body into the car and lock the doors shut. There’s no one else who can get inside whilst I’m here. And drive…

Ahh! I smile as the breeze ebbs and webs through the clouds and it swoops through my hair greeting me with cool motion. I make my way through the path, slowly pacing up the speed. 45mph, time to tail the ambulance. There’s no way they’re leaving with the gold potion. The engine feels more full with Road I swerve across. This car already feels hard to let go off. Knock it off! No attachment, ever remember.

As the lines of the back of the ambulance van elongate with each stride converging but meeting at an perpendicular intersection. Just an infinitely long distance running forth, with distance prevailing over the roads. I rush by… in hopes of seizing and capturing, what’s been divided and conquered. There’s no more pieces left to break and share, only one way left, using the scraps remaining from the gathered crumbs. I look through the box inside the mouth of the car and find a key. It looks antique but who does it feed, where does it lead and what does it open?

A portal to where… hmm. Could the potion be found hidden somewhere in a box, maybe so? I grab the key and slickly glide it to my jean’s pocket.

The ambulance stops so I brake the car. Eyes as hooked as an eagle, they follow the course of the drivers as they leave and begin to make their way to the hospital. I check to see if any one else is in the van, but the inside looks empty. Perfect!

Look around. Camera check. All clear. Alright! And… lockpicking time. Act like you’re picking something off the floor. Lower yourself down and finish up. Great, slowly enter and exit. Ahh! Made my way to the back of the van and what do I see. You won’t believe it, a beautiful little treasure box. Nice! Let’s see if the key fits and ahh. The feeling you get when you accomplish an impossible feat with the most perfect tools handed to you through the rewards of completed challenges.

The purple sheen of the glittery potion shines bright with the gold flecks inside gleaming with every refracting beam of light. Swig! Swig! Two gulps, must be enough. Now let’s keep the box with the drink for later, shall we.

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