Submitted by Maranda Quinn

Write a story or poem which could be titled ‘Diamond in the Rough’.

What themes might this phrase bring to mind?

Diamond In The Rough

Anna Marie Stewart was said to be one of the richest, most spoiled brats in the world. That was, until, she met Jasper Knight.

Anna had everything she ever dreamed of. She lived in a huge house on top of a hill with her father, Gabriel, and her older brother, Theodore. She had a very good education, and she was tended to by her own personal maids.

But Anna wanted more. Ever since she was a little girl, she had loved the idea of going out into the world with her brother to fight off armies of men, protecting her kingdom. But you would’ve never guessed it with her father.

When she was two, she found one of Theodore’s practice swords. She was found playing with it in the training room, giggling and swinging it around like it was a toy. From that moment on, her father knew that he would have to do his very best to keep her away from the outside world.

Maybe he though she would be better protected if she was kept close to him. Only he would know.


I sighed in frustration as I watched my father talk to my teacher. I slumped against the rail with my chin on my hand as I watched Dad wave his hands around, his face turning increasingly red.

“You were specifically told to protect her, and you failed. You are FIRED!” He yelled. The poor old man standing in front of him winced.

I felt bad for Vincent (he’s my trainer), he only tried to help me because I asked. Now he’s getting fired. I sighed again.

“Trouble, miss?” A voice said behind me. I jumped and turned around to find a guy about my age slumped against the rail like I was. His dark hair was falling in his green eyes. For half a second there, I felt my self wanting to push it out of the way.

Ugh, stop, I thought. I cannot be doing this right now. I have more important things to do. Like finding Teddy and asking him for lessons.

I shook my head. “No I’m ok. Unless you know how to change someone’s entire personality.” He must have heard the sadness in my voice because he smiled at me sympathetically.

“Unfortunately not. If I did, I would. Old man Gabe is a menace.” He was now looking down at my dad, watching him yell at a maid for being in the way.

I stared at him in surprise. He looked about eighteen or nineteen. He was strong, and a string of tattoos going up his right arm. Now that I could see them up close, I could see the military symbol etched into the design.

If he was military, then my dad was his boss. Why would he say that in front of me, his daughter? Unless…unless he didn’t know it was me. That would be a relief.

I may sound like a spoiled brat, but being the kid of the richest person (other than the king) in the kingdom isn’t as glamorous as you might think. Literally everyone knew who I was. Which meant I couldn’t do normal things, like school.

You may be wondering how I was educated. I was homeschooled. A lot of people like Dukes kids and royals do it. They make it sound a lot more fun it books though.

Since the day I turned six, I had been tutored by all sorts of cruel people that my dad hired.

“Yeah. I’ve learned to ignore it. Life is so much easier when you don’t let him bother you.” I said. I was kinda surprised that I did. Even if he didn’t know who I was, I was still talking about my father.

“I wish. I can’t excactly not talk to my commander.” He was shaking his head.

The stranger looked like he was going to say something, but I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see my brother, Teddy, standing at the top of the stairwell.

I asked a passing servant what the time was and groaned. I was late for my German lesson. “Listen, as enlightening as this conversation was, I’m late for something. See ya!” I yelled the last part as I took of for the classroom.


German was boring. And hard to speak. My eyes were dry and my mind numb. I really hated these lessons. I gathered my books and walked out of the door. I jumped when my dad spoke.

“I trust you saw what happened,” His face was cold and unwavering. When I nodded, he continued. “I’ll assign you someone from my personal guard. You can trust him.” And with that, my father, the great royal Duke of Valoria, turned on his heel and left.

That kind of stung a little. I was expecting to be yelled at. At least he would be emotional. Entirely different from the icy expression he was just wearing.

I laughed when tears pricked my eyes. My relationship with my father had always been rocky. He never liked me from the start. Maybe it was cause I was never supposed to be here. Maybe because Mom died giving berth to me. It’s always a new reason with him.


It was early morning when a knock sounded at my door. I got up from my desk, wondering who it was. It wouldn’t be Teddy, he never woke up before noon.

I unlocked my bedroom door and opened it. I must’ve still been tired because when I saw who was behind it, I just stood there.

“You’re Anna Marie?!” The guy from yesterday exclaimed. He looked shocked, and I saw guilt flash across his face.

He cursed, bringing his hands up to cage his head. “I’m gonna be in so much trouble now aren’t I? Oh, hell. I didn’t mean anything I said I promise!” He looked terrified. Poor guy would’ve done anything I wanted.

I snapped out of my daze. “My name is Anna. Marie was my mothers name.” He nodded anxiously. “I’m assuming you’re who my father sent to protect me?” I asked. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to wake up.

“Yeah. Listen, about what I said yester—“ I interrupted him. “I will let you off on one condition.” So I was playing with him. I would never actually tell my dad. But the sword on his belt looked wicked.

“You have to teach how to use that.” I pointed at the weapon attached to his hip. He took a second to register my words and then his face fell.

I could tell he was struggling internally. In the end, I think his fear of my father won out. He nodded and I giggled in excitement.

“Can we go now? Do I get a sword? Can you teach me how to do the cool sword flippy thing?” Questions kept spilling from my mouth as I ran to grab my stuff.

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to a stop. The touch sent little sparks running through my body.

“Yes yes and no. What your talking about is only in retellings of story’s. It’s not a real move.” I grumbled and side eyed him. “Fine. But you at least have to teach me how to stab something.”

His eyes widened. Oh, if only he knew what he was getting himself into.


(Several months later)

“Stab! Keep your arms loose! Don’t look at the ground, look at me! The sword is meant to be a part of your arm. An extension.” Jasper was yelling out commands as he attacked me relentlessly. Sweat was making my auburn hair stick to my forehead, and I pushed it back. I stepped away from my friend and took a breath.

He looked at me sympathetically. “Go get some water and sit down for a minute. I know being treated like a princess is hard.” I shoved for that last comment and grabbed a cup of water from my bag.

I sank down on the wall and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as Jasper sat next to me.

Yes. I have a huge, massive crush my one of my best friends. It’s kind of hard not too. I’m with him almost twenty-four-seven. When were not training, he takes me to see everything that I’ve missed in my own kingdom.

My favorite day was probably at the old apple pie stand on the corner of Old Maple. The stand was run by an elderly woman. She was the sweetest person that I had ever met and her pies were even better.

I leaned against his shoulder and lifted my shirt up slightly. I could just see the edge of the burn that I got several weeks ago.

I had the bright idea that we should go into the rooms with the fires that warm up the house. Long story short, it ended up with me having a bad burn and Jasper getting a stern talking to about my well being.

I went to go change the bandage on it when Jasper caught my hands. He took the supplies away from me and carefully changed the gauze. He was leaning down to see it and his breath tickled my stomach.

When he looked up, my breath hitched. I wasn’t expecting it when he said my name. The look in his eyes made my heart tingle. He sat back up at eye level and I turned to look at him.

The light hit his eyes just right and I was entranced. I could have looked at his dark green eyes forever. Tension sparked in the air and I felt him lean closer.

He kissed me. It was soft and short, but it made me feel weak in the knees. If I had been standing, that would’ve changed really quick.

“Can we do that again?” He whispered. I nodded. My heart exploded. Everything about him was just right. From the way his smoky scent clung to everything he touched, the way his lips felt against mine. I knew there was no where I would rather be.

I had truly found a diamond in the rough.

Authors Note*

So these characters come from one of my other story’s, Rebel. It’s a lot shorter and I feel like I kinda need to add some details to it. I really tried to lean into Anna Marie’s backstory with this one, I I would love to hear about how I did and if it worked well with the prompt. I also know that the prompt title says poetry, but in the description it said story, so this is what I have. Hope you all have a great day ❤️

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