The Pendant

Jerry entered the antique shop that smelled of old books and dust. There was an old lady with a kind face standing behind the counter. She was quite short and had long gray hair that had been tied together into a braid. She smiled at Jerry as he entered the shop and he did the same. Jerry walked around the shop, his hands in his pockets as he scanned tall bookshelves that stored interesting items.

As he walked past, something shiny had caught his eye. He backtracked to where he saw the shining coming from. He scanned the bookshelf until he found it, a beautiful green pendant. He carefully picked up the pendant to more closely examine it. Upon closer inspection, he realized the pendant was made from emeralds.

It also had a small carving of a bird on it. He purchased the pendant and a beautiful candle he had found. He asked the old lady (Who’s name turned out to be Grace) about the pendant. Grace didn’t know much about it since she had found it on the sidewalk. After Jerry waked out of the shop, he carefully tied the necklace around his neck, cautious of how fragile it was.

He took a quick look at his watch. It was currently 5:30 and he had to be back at his house by 7:00. He continued on his way back to his house. All of a sudden, his vision becomes blurry and his mind felt fuzzy. He pulled over onto the side of the road and exited his car. He leaned on the side of the car for support, his legs feeling like limp spaghetti. Moments later, he collapses onto the pavement and blacks out.

Jerry woke up with one of the worst headaches he’d ever had. His mind was still fuzzy and his face hurt from laying on the pavement. How long had he been here? He checked his watch, which displayed the time 10:43. He slowly pushed himself up and leaned against his car with a heavy, shaky sigh.

He opened the car door and plopped down in his seat. He massaged his temples in an attempt to make the headache go away. Jerry had a ton of questions he knew couldn’t be answered. His main question was: _Why did he pass out?_ He didn’t know what to do in the moment, but he should have called someone to let them know what happened.

Jerry turned his car on and continued on the drive home.

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