Day After Day

I awoke frantically. The alarm on my phone blared the specific tune I chose for Tuesday. Damn it. Yup, day 3. Unless it’s a glitch in my alarms. Really tried staying up last night. I wanted to see if it would change anything. I had to try something.

Aleya woke suddenly now. Her eyes darting around the room until they locked with mine. She gave me a questioning face and I just nodded.

“Same day again?? How do you know so quickly??” She looked intrigued.

With her eyes wide and the tossled hair, she looked so wound up. I chuckled to myself.

“Well it’s a theory haha. But my Tuesday song played again.” I said.

She slumps her body down with a huff. Then jolts up.

“Well. We gotta go see if the days the same then! Yeee!” She says enthusiastically. Trying to use her charming humor to make light of the never ending loop we’re in.

We both get dressed and go downstairs to see if our friends were there. If theyw ere it would mean it was still Tuesday. We planned this sleepover for months, everyone had different places to fly from. It just wouldn’t make sense. Because they leave. If today was indeed the next day, Wednesday, we would get our usual morning call from them. We all call every mornings to catch up.

Besides. We brought them to the airport!

“Leya! Sis. Can’t believe it’s our last day! Imma miss you the most…hey now don’t be mad, Can’t really beat that sister bond man” Tony said defensive as he saw the friendly jealous in the other friends eyes. Everyone laughed happily and went about their morning. Aleya and I knew immediately that it was in fact Tuesday times 3. We went about the day, desperately trying to think of a way out of this never ending loop.

*alarm blares* Aleya and I wake simultaneously this time. Maybe it’s different! We lock eyes and my heart becomes hopeful. She yawns, almost happily and at ease. Then playfully nudges into me.

“Wow I can’t believe they’re all leaving today…I’m really gonna miss em ya know? But. It’s been a wonderful few days!” She says to me. Horror pulsates through me. I couldn’t swallow before responding.

“What do you mean… I mean. What day is it? And how many times have we done it??” I asked, my voice rising in panic. She looked absolutely bewildered.

“Ermmm. I mean I cannot calculate at this time how many Tuesday’s we’ve had in our lives…but I’m assuming A lot babe” she chuckled.

She had forgotten. It was all up to me now…will I forget too?

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