
The strange gigantic metal structure sticks out of the endless ice tundras of the Snowdrift Steppes. Bigger than anything man made that Nyla has ever seen for sure, she thinks to her self as she steps out of the tracked bus-like vehicle.

Last night the whole town of Havenbrook was woken violently by a roaring hum from the skies. Nyla, always the night owl, had yet to go to bed, and was one of the first townsfolk to get outside and witness the blue and orange light streak in the sky, followed moments later by the earth shaking sound of impact.

It did not take long for old Silas to drum up a group of a dozen or so people, including Nyla to investigate what happened. The mix of excitement and concern was almost palpable inside the people carrier on their way to impact site.

"What do you think it is" Nyla asks Orion as he steps out of his the bus.

"Don't know" he replies in his boyish enthousiast "definitely not an abomination. To much metal."

"No shit." Nyla says. "Of course that is where your mind goes first." Ever since Gideon disappeared, Orion, his apprentice, is considered the towns expert when it comes to finding and hunting down the horrendous creatures that roam Snowdrift Steps.

"Also not something natural." He continues, pretending he didn't hear her. "Again to much metal. So it has be something constructed. What do you think, Corvus?"

"Never seen anything like it either," Corvus start chiming in, as the group start slowly approaching the structure on foot "not even down south in Astrafall City. Although it has been a couple of years I visited them. Could be something the tech mages over their cooked up, certainly wouldn't put it past them. But this doesn't bare any of their markings."

As they come closer Nyla is able to take in more of the vista. The structure is over 10 stories tall, made of sleek white, black and orange painted metal panels. It's aerodynamic shape and clean aesthetic isn't like anything like the rusty, jury rigged structures that Nyla is familiar with. It must have slid for at least a hundred meters judging by the drag marks in the icy snow.

"Could it be living tech?" Nyla suggests to the group

"Doubt it" Corvus replies "To symmetrical and to cohesive."

"Hmm, if it is not something we made, natural, abomination or living tech, what could it be?" She thinks out loud

"It is ancient tech" old Silas chimes in with his ruffled voice. "From the before times. Never seen any of it this complete my self. But parts of it definitely correspond with the things I saw as a young boy."

"My daddy used tell tales of how machines like this were used to fly trough the skies." he continues "And not like the Astrfallian airships either, like properly, beyond the skies to the stars."

"Whoa, I thought that those where just legends" Orion let's out.

"Every legend has a source of truth" Silas replies "Where do you think all the junk we used to build our town and Corvus uses for his machines comes from?"

"Dunno, Astrafall?"

"Some of it yeah, but most of it we found here, in the Snowdrift from structures like these. Although it has been probably hundreds of years since one of these crashed."

Old Silas continues by pointing out things in the ship that resemble things in town.

"You see those cylindrical bits over there?" He says as he refers to the ships engines. "You see how they look like our water well and watch tower?"

"Wild, so that's where you think this one came from? The stars?" Nyla says

"Very possible, but like I said I've never seen one fly my self. The last time any one has seen one of these souring trough the skies, was way before my time"

Orion interrupts him with sense of realization in his voice "But wait, if what you are saying is true. There could be some one in there?"

At that moment a big loading door starts opening from the back of the ship revealing the back lit silhouettes of four figures...

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