Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

A Death Wish: Somebody I Loved

It was the scent of bacon that awoke me. My boyfriend, Hyperion, was cooking in the kitchen. I got off our cotton bed sheets and slipped on a pair of black crew socks. My fingers ran smoothly through my dusty blonde hair, putting a strand of hair behind my ear as I walked towards Hyperion.

“Morning,” I mumbled, still exhausted from yesterday. I snuggled my face into his back, wrapping my arms around his waist with the soft fabric of a plaid apron around my fingers. “Is that bacon?” My eyes fluttered open as I recognized the scent.

“Of course.” He chuckled, turning off the stove before meeting my eyes. His large hands wrapping around my back, pulling me in close so our chests were flushed together. The aroma of greasy bacon and eggs drifted into the room, tickling my nose and making my stomach rumble in anticipation. “Ready for breakfast?” he asked, his deep voice resonating with the sound of love and protection.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep from my body. “Yeah, I guess so,” I mumbled, my voice still low and tired.

Hyperion took my hand and helped me up, the scent of fresh-brewed coffee wafting into the air from the pot on the stove. Our little apartment was filled with the sounds of our shared life, and I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day. Hyperion placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns in front of me, and I eagerly began devouring the delicious fare.

As I finished my breakfast, Hyperion started cleaning up the kitchen, and I got up to help him. We worked together, washing dishes and clearing the table, and it felt like we were in complete sync. After we finished, the room was tidy and peaceful, and I hugged Hyperion from behind as we took a seat on the couch.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. "Thank you for this amazing morning."

Hyperion turned his head to look at me, his eyes filled with love and adoration. "I love you too, my sweet Emberly. Thank you for always being by my side." I smiled, knowing that no matter what life may throw our way, we would always have each other. And that was enough.

A month later, I was cleaning out our closet. I ironed some of Hyperion’s polo shirts, stumbling on a folded and crumbled yellow note in one of the pockets. My curious side opened it up with scrawled writing on the messy piece of paper.

As my eyes followed the writing, they widened, ceasing my furrowed brows. My Hyperion… was a hitman? Millions of thoughts coursed through my brain. He was so kind and caring. How could he be a hitman? I thought I was the only one who knew how to shoot a gun or throw a knife. What if he was just earning my trust to get to me? Yeah, that was it…

My brain snapped out of these thoughts and continued reading the paper. He was planning to kill me and bring my body to his boss. I didn’t know he had another boss! After I finished reading the crumpled note, I quickly realized that I should pack up and go. Immediately.

I swiftly packed a backpack, filling it with some of my favorite clothes, my laptop, and a knife in case I was caught by Hyperion. I quickly slung the dark blue backpack on my shoulder, walking out the room and grabbed my car keys. I was so lucky that he wasn’t home right now. My swift eyes gazed the hallway, eyeing the pictures that we took together.

As soon as I opened the door, I was met by the face of a scowling Hyperion, “So… you’ve found out my plan?” He grumbled, gesturing to my backpack with his teeth bare.

“Get out, Perri.” His nickname left a mark on my tongue. “You played me like a goddamn fiddle.” I hissed. It felt bitter knowing he was gonna kill me. What did those seven months even mean?

He stepped foward, I took three small steps back, “Darling, you don’t know who you’re messing with.” fumed Hyperion, grabbing out a blade and swung it at my shoulder, piercing the thin fabric of my light brown jacket.

I winced and nearly fell back from the impact, but I regained my composure, “I don’t wanna hurt you—“ Hyperion cut me off by kicking my shin, sending me to lose balance and land on my butt.

“Save your words.” He cocked his pistol and aimed it at me. As his finger pressed on the trigger, almost shooting, I swooped his legs with mine, causing him to fall down. I stood up and ran for the door.

Hyperion was hot on my trail. I zoomed down the curling stairs, clutching my shoulder and let out a pained gasp everytime I would hit it against the wall. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if he was there or not. He was a staircase away. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, making me run faster.

I ran out the building and bumped into the crowd of people walking down the sidewalks, each one eyeing me weirdly. I was too fast for them to confront me. I was utterly desperate to catch the next bus, anywhere but here. Hyperion called out to me and shoved past the citizens carrying a gun through the process.

There was a bus just a few feet away from me and it looked like it was about to close. I tried running faster. One foot away. The doors were about to close and Hyperion was at arms reach. I grasped the doors and enter before he could grab the hood of my jacket.

I sat down at the back of the bus, clutching my wounded shoulder and panting as I rested my head against the window. I closed my eyes and breathed.

I had a feeling that this was just beginning.

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