Inspired by EnglishGirl112

He had never planned on attacking them. He didn't want revenge; he didn't want war... That is until they bought the war to him.

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He never planned on attacking them. He didn’t want revenge; he didn’t want war… That is until they b[r]ought the war to him.

The first massacre was due to pure ignorance. Lucky for him he was not under the large dark shadow that came down from the sky and flattened most of his comrades. He could still hear the screams of his brothers crying out as the enormous foot finally lifted from the earth. Half severed bodies twitched and reached for salvation. Others scrambled around madly trying to grasp for a limb that had been torn violently off in the exchange. The long walk home that day was overflowing with moroseness. None of them had anything to say to the other… just reliving the power of the boot over and over again in their tiny heads.

The second massacre occurred at the home-front. He had been out gathering food for the family when the dark shadow cast over the anthill. He saw one of the giants leaned over the anthill. He had lit something on fire… dropped it in the hole. . . There was a giant earth shattering explosion. Walls of the home flew apart in a cloud of dirt. His comrades came pouring out, burnt half to death or worse. They only found out later that their beloved mother… the queen… had been slain in the attack.

This time it was personal.

The rest of the troops assembled under the cover of the moon by the tree. They took orders from him… listening to his passionate pleas for revenge. “They have made it clear! It is either them… or us!” He shouted to endless swarms of comrades, all of them cheering in unison. They knew… it would be their downfall. Now without a queen to lead them.. their only feeble existence could be put forth in preserving the lands for the next kingdom.

They waited until one of them had come outside. It was a large one with light colored hair. It tended to the gardens around the lands. They marched in tandem ready to attack. They crawled up onto the shadow casting giant and began to pinch and bite.

At first the giant reacted harshly and swiftly, coming down with its massive hands to brush away the attackers. The comrades did not stop… they continued to move in, climbing onto the giant at any possible spot. Others had been sent up tall bush trees to reach a higher spot on the giant. Feeling the attack the giant let out an ear shattering unnatural scream and threw her giant Iron spiked and spaded weapons to the ground and set off in a hard retreat to the land beyond the green.

He never thought he would live to see it. The day the comrades took on a giant and won. Perhaps this was a good omen… not for him. But for his sons and daughters. For the others built like him… the little ones who had to look up and cower at the foreboding shadow casting giants that looked down upon them, and killed them without a second thought.

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