Write a story about a tourist and a local who instantly bond.
What differences could you highlight about these characters that help them become friends?
CFPD Continues Search For Missing Persons
Corvallis Falls PD are continuing their search for Janaye Brooks (23), and Vincent Liang (26). Both have been missing since Thursday, December 26.
Brooks and Liang were last seen on a book tour through Corvallis Falls based around local author Pablo Enriquez. Brooks was visiting from overseas.
“She became fond of one of the guys around her age, only guy around her age. Didn’t think Enriquez had fans below the age of fifty,”
Says Brad Kreig (73), Kreig was also on the tour with his wife and brother.
“Good looking guy. A little shy. They sat next to one another, and started talking about Enriquez’s work. They both shared the same favorite ‘The Peculiar Body of Angie McCloud’. Ain’t my favorite. But…yeah that’s what they bonded over”
Joann Kreig (71), claimed that the two had separated after the tour, and that both seemed more than enamored by each others company.
“Brad was the one to remind me that they’d just met, you couldn’t tell that after about thirty minutes. I thought it was cute. You don’t see that kind of interaction in this day and age. I remembered feeling happy for them, but the two hadn’t crossed my mind until I saw the missing persons report for the girl.”
Book tour receipts revealed the man that Brooks met to be Vincent Liang (26). However, authorities have been unsuccessful in finding anymore information about Liang.
“I thought he was kind of weird-“ says Brad’s younger brother, Andrew (69). “Mousy. His eyes kept darting around, as though he were about to do something bad, or had just done something bad. Then he started talking to the girl. The weird little hat he wore didn’t help. One of those old baseball hats that are only worn through sentimental value. I could be jumping to conclusions, after all we were on a Pablo Enriquez tour, but I wouldn’t have started a convo with him.”
Claire Burrows (66) said the following:
“I saw them walking into Shadowbrook Canyon after the tour. Which I thought was weird. Kind of. It was a beautiful day, and as you know we hadn’t had one in weeks because of the rain. I thought it was a bit strange since the tour wasn’t short. I wouldn’t go trotting around the woods after a 5 hour tour. Some went to eat, most of us went to our cars. I'm sixty-six and my husband Arthur is seventy. We just went home."
Comment from Arthur Burrows (70):
“Thought she was a bit strange. She looked young, younger than twenty-three. I always think that’s a bit peculiar for someone that young to be traveling overseas alone. I was an overprotective parent though, so maybe I’m just over thinking things. My wife and I were leaving the parking lot when we saw them enter Shadowbrook. She turned around, and there was this weird little smile on her face. I don't know who she was smiling at, or if she was smiling at something that he'd said. There was something about her eyes, made me feel a certain way. Maybe it was a trick of the Sun setting. I forgot about the smile as soon as we were on the road, didn't come back to me until I saw the report."
Authorities clarified that neither Brooks or Liang are being considered as suspects.
Story Developing-
If you have any information on Janaye Brooks, or Vincent Liang please reach us through one of the following.
Phone: 947-555-2416
Instagram: CorvallisFallsPD