In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.
What will you tell them?
Body Swap Speech
“Get out there! It’s time for your speech!”
“Shit!! What do I say?” Ian in the body of famous philosopher and philanthropist Edwin McGregor stepped on stage and squinted in the bright light as thousands of people clapped, their echos filling the space with noise. Edwin began to sweat, and just started talking.
“Hello, um…” he began, and pushed his nerves to the side and recited the gist of something an old friend had told him long ago. “I think, too often, we get caught up in the currents of life , and the past currents, and try to get a peek of what’s to come. But many forget to enjoy the sensation of the cool water against our skin, and be grateful for the suns warmth and light that created the atmosphere for you to relax in. Observe the things around you, every little detail. When we focus on other things that is not in the here and now, that is not truly living. Only by being aware of what is in front of you can you be fully alive.”
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