You work in a busy office and come in late one day. Sitting at your desk is someone who looks identical to you, dressed in your clothes, and nobody has noticed anything is wrong...
”Who is she?”
“That’s MIA.”
”I don’t understand, I am Mia.”
“Not Mia, MIA. Modèle d’Intelligence Artificielle.”
“I don’t get it.”
“It means Artificial Intelligence Model in French. AIM. But we think that MIA sounds better. It sounds like we are talking to a real person.”
“But I am a real person. Not her. Or IT.”
“It’s the fourth time you are late this month. MIA is never late. She works 24/7 as long as she is plugged. And she can work up to 12 hours even when she is unplugged in case there is a power outage.”
“What about my job?”
“We will still need humans to edit what the MIAs are doing in case they make a mistake. We are not perfect. But we plan to create new IAs who could do this job, don’t worry. And we do use your previous articles to write new ones in your own style. But we won’t need you anymore. Your job is over.”
“You can’t use my previous articles without paying me.”
“We own all the rights on what you wrote for us. It was written in the contract. Now, let SAM escort you to the exit.”
“Security Artificial Model. Oh, and by the way, I’m IAN. Intelligence artificielle national. National Artificial Intelligence. We run the country now.”
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